Blog Post

2022 Virginia State Fair

Betrice Hovey '08 • April 10, 2023

Last September 26th was an exciting Monday as a group of NMGs set off for the State Fair in Doswell, VA to staff the VCE booth. Our team was organized by Blanch Wise and the members included Vickie Reid, Dan Haworth, Linda Smith, Deborah McGowan, Harriette Frost and me. The booth is always organized by the Virginia Master Gardener Association and different MG units from around the Commonwealth sign up to staff it for part or all of one day to cover the 10-day event. The booth’s theme for 2022 was “Decomposers” and the mission was to educate the public on how these organisms break down dead and decaying matter. Our table had several displays to help us with our task. We had a steady flow of visitors and ended up with 614 contacts. We even had two special guests! The Secretary of Agriculture, Matthew Lohr, came up to me and introduced himself. He thanked us for sharing our knowledge with so many people. He went on to share that the Governor, Glenn Youngkin, was in the area and he thought Mr. Youngkin might stop by to visit us also. Later in the afternoon, he arrived with a large group of well-wishers, staff and the press.

The NMGA-Team did a fabulous job and made us look like the professionals that we are! We were able to enjoy the super food, the pig races, and all the excitement of the Fair atmosphere while having a great time. Sincere thanks, TEAM!! And thanks to Vickie for the pics! Stay tuned for information on State Fair 2023.

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