By Emma Griffin
December 13, 2024
I enrolled in this course with the hopes of gaining some scientific knowledge and hands-on skills to better garden at my home and at my preschool program. Norfolk Master Gardeners did not fail – they exceeded any and everything I had imagined. I had heard a lot about the newly acquired information, but certainly not to this extent. I have gardened for many years prior to taking the course – at my home and with the students at the Academy, but not with the zeal and confidence I now possess. Again, thanks NMG. From pollenating flowers to invasive plants, from rain barrels to compost bins, from square foot gardens to raised flower beds, nowadays, my conversations are more about “garden talk”. Check out what these new green thumbs have started thus far. We’ve added 2 square foot gardens at the Academy. We planted and harvested vegetables, mainly cucumbers and peppers and we also planted and harvested sweet potatoes for the first time. This fall, we harvested those sweet potatoes and for the first time, planted kale and collards. At home, it’s the beginning of garden heaven for me. I’ve added 2 square foot gardens, several raised beds and a few grow bags – all have been very successful. I also have a rain barrel and a tabletop compost bin (not fond of the bin though!) And for the first time ever, I planted a tree! So again, Norfolk Master Gardeners, thanks for an awesome program. I love the results! They say, “unless there are pics, it didn’t happen.” So, check them out!