Blog Post

Class of 2020

Barb Wilson ‘07 • May 28, 2020
Our Class of 2020 consists of a diverse and entertaining group of individuals. They were traversing happily through the classroom instruction experience with two weeks to go! We have had great classes and speakers and great food – actual dinners, thanks to Mary Shaffer and willing helpers. On March 10 we had a great class at Norfolk Botanical Garden and on March 12 classes were suspended. Say what???

Early in the pandemic there were work opportunities at Weyanoke and the Eco Garden but then that came to a halt as well. A few of the trainees continue working on our food-producing projects at Fred Heutte Center and just last week at the NBG Potager Garden as that reopened for volunteers.

The Training Committee has done their best to keep the class engaged. Exams, a few make-up assignments, and most recently Zoom class presentations. Zoom??? We never heard of Zoom until all this happened. Our class is resilient, and many have jumped at the chance to clear this hurdle and have done their presentations via Zoom. Great job to those trainees! So far 14 have completed their project delivery and there are a few more in the pipeline!  

We are all anxious to get back to doing our MG thing but when that will happen remains to be seen. Graduation?? Hopefully, that will happen sooner rather than later. Patience is a virtue! In the meantime enjoy this official Class of 2020 photograph! Thanks for hanging in there with us! Stay safe!
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