Norfolk Master Gardeners
830 Southampton Ave., Ste 2069
Norfolk, Virginia 23510-1045
December 18, 2019 found sixty-five Norfolk Master Gardener Volunteers gathered at Hits at the Park for the annual Holiday Party. Participants arrived wearing festive clothing and bearing gifts, favorite desserts and smiles!
The event began with a short business meeting and a big thank you to the outgoing officers for 2019 and introductions of the 2020 Steering Committee. Following the business meeting Chef Steve and his crew served up a delicious buffet of beef pot roast, Rotisserie chicken, cheese manicotti, vegetables and salad. The dessert table was full of decadent treats. Norfolk MGs certainly enjoy sharing their talents, whether gardening or baking!
The Creative Sweater Contest was judged by Agent Chris Epes and Ginger Farrell, Class of ’17. The first prize of a $50 gift certificate to the Norfolk Botanical Garden was awarded to Bill Gerhardt ’04, and second prize of amaryllis and paperwhite bulbs went to Ginny Alberts ’19. Thanks to all who participated in the contest!
We collected money for the Food Bank of Southeastern Virginia, and there was an exchange of gifts. We also played a game similar to musical chairs. Each table was given a Santa hat. When the music started each table passed the hat around the table until the music stopped. The person who ended up holding the hat when the music stopped won the table centerpiece.
Although all the desserts were worthy of Blue Ribbons, one caught the attention of several guests and Marilyn Gowen has agreed to share her recipe which follows. Marilyn suggested reading through the instructions before beginning.
Bread & Butter Pudding (4 servings)
3 Tablespoons raisins Pinch salt
1/3 cup warm water 3 eggs
1 cup plus 3 Tablespoons whipping cream 9 Tablespoons sugar
1 cup plus 1 Tablespoon milk 3 small croissants, cut into ½ inch wide slices
1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise 2 Tablespoons (1/4 stick) butter, melted
(I use 1 Tablespoon vanilla bean paste) 2 Tablespoons powdered sugar
(For a 9x12 pan, use 4 large croissants and increase remaining ingredients by 1.5)
Combine raisins and water in bowl. Let stand 30 minutes. Drain well.
Bring cream, milk, vanilla bean and salt to simmer in heavy medium saucepan. Beat eggs and 9 Tablespoons sugar in medium bowl. Gradually whisk in the cream mixture. Remove vanilla bean, scrape seeds from bean into cream mixture and stir well.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Lightly brush croissant slices with melted butter. Arrange in 6 cup soufflé dish. Sprinkle with raisins. Strain custard over croissant slices. Gently press slices down to absorb liquid. Sprinkle with 1 Tablespoon powdered sugar. Set dish in large baking pan. Add enough hot water to large pan to come 1” up the sides of pudding dish. Bake until tester inserted in center comes out clean, about 45 minutes.
Spoon pudding onto plates. Sprinkle with remaining 1 Tablespoon powdered sugar. Serve hot.
*A delicious dessert from Le Restaurant in the Regent Melbourne Hotel.
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