How do I miss “Gardens in a Flowerpot”?
Donna Van Keuren ’11 • April 18, 2020
This is just one of the ways
There are many times during the past year that I have missed having access to my favorite garden shop. This is “Way 253” that I miss “Gardens in a Flowerpot.”
Every year I plant some white clover seed in the bare spots in my lawn and encourage the return of previously planted clover. My neighbor is a beekeeper, and her bees and other pollinators enjoy the clover in the lawn. My source for white clover seed had been Gardens in a Flowerpot, but this year I resorted to ordering seed online.
The five pounds of clover seed I ordered arrived promptly, and I was surprised to see how large the seeds were. White clover seed is very fine, and mixing it with sand before broadcasting is recommended.
The real surprise came a few weeks ago when the clover bloomed – the flowers are red! Instead of White Clover, Trifolium repens, I have Crimson Clover, Trifolium incarnatum. Crimson Clover grows to over 12” before blooming, and this should create an interesting look for my front lawn.
I just hope that the bees enjoy it!