Blog Post

Meet Karen Cheney

Eileen Ballance – ‘15 • July 14, 2023

Karen was born in Norfolk, daughter of a career Sailor and full-time homemaker. She spent a good part of her childhood here and the city has always felt like home. After living and working in Miami for over 40 years she relocated here last year to be closer to her daughter. The experience of being stranded away from family during the pandemic inspired the move.

Karen earned her BA degree at Longwood College and a Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA) from Florida International University in Miami, FL. She is a registered landscape architect in the State of Florida and retired from the Miami-Dade County Parks Department in 2015. She worked part-time in the private sector an additional four years as a consultant to the Florida Department of Transportation before the pandemic occurred, which made “really retiring” very attractive.

Karen first met a group of Master Gardeners who were working at the Potager Garden and was drawn to the program by their enthusiasm and warmth. While walking by the Fred Heutte Square Foot Garden, she met a second group and knew she had found a life-long interest and a community.

Karen joined the Class of 2023 and greatly enjoyed meeting at the various locations around the city. In addition to the interesting venues, she thought the course content was excellent.

To attain her fifty hours, Karen participated at the Dune Garden, Weyanoke, Fred Heutte Square Foot Garden, Potager Garden, Significant Tree Program, Ernie Morgan EcoGarden and Urban Agriculture. She plans to take the Tree Steward training in the future, but first she may have to focus on completing CEU hours to renew her landscape architecture license in November. When Karen isn’t involved in Master Gardener activities she enjoys pampering her houseplants, reading, watercolor painting, visiting museums and public gardens and participating in a variety of physical fitness endeavors. Karen has a daughter in Chesapeake who is an educator who taught first grade for over 30 years. She also has two adult grandchildren who have flown the nest (and wishes they lived closer).

When you see Karen, be sure to introduce yourself and welcome her to Norfolk Extension Master Gardeners.

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