Blog Post

Meet Susan Bohache – Class of 2022

Eileen Ballance Class of 2015 • June 4, 2022

Susan and her husband relocated to Norfolk from Virginia Beach sixteen years ago and now reside in a small condo overlooking a finger of Colley Bay. They garden on their deck and love being Norfolkians.

When Susan retired, entering the Master Gardener Program was on the top of her list of things she wanted to do.  She loves to grow things and wanted to learn more about how to care for plants. Educating the community about growing food has been a bonus.  She didn’t know that was a core objective of master gardening, but she loves every bit of it.

Susan felt that the classes were perfect examples of the qualities necessary for gardening: flexibility, a bit of luck, teamwork, a good sense of humor and persistence.  She considered having 6 to 8 Master Gardeners getting both the Zoom and hybrid classes going, in addition to the guest speakers, a gift.  Even when in-person classes started, Susan was pleased that Zoom was available to those who did not feel comfortable meeting in person. 

Weyanoke spring clean-up was Susan’s first project followed by the Potager Garden at Norfolk Botanical Garden.  She helped with start-up of a garden at Ingleside Elementary School that is now maintained by students and the Ingleside Civic League. She also helped with Li’l Sprouts with the pre-K, Kindergarten and first grade students at St. Patrick Catholic School.  Susan has also enjoyed the Significant Tree Program and helping with the Fred Heutte Square Foot Garden.

Of the projects she has worked on so far, the camaraderie and guidance of the “regulars,” the Master Gardeners, have been invaluable.  Her favorite part of the Master Gardener Program has been the people she has met.  She can’t choose a favorite project but enjoys the variety and plans to participate in more projects.

When Susan isn’t participating in the Master Gardener Program, she and her husband love to travel.  Their family is scattered and when not visiting family, they love exploring the Caribbean.  Her husband is the primary caretaker of the orchids they own, and although he will continue as caretaker, Susan is learning more about orchid growing.  Susan enjoys yoga and the results of her husband’s passion for cooking.

When you see Susan, be sure to introduce yourself and welcome her to the Norfolk Master Gardener Association.

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