250 hours – Drew Avery, Jonathan Bennett, Karen Brent, Kathryn Bush, Jeanie Carlson, Cindy Creede, Barbara Dozier, Sue Gates, Marilyn Gowen, Peter Hatchard, Connie Kellam, Will Redfern, Kim Stewart
500 hours – Michael Cole, Gayle Donovan, Ginger Farrell, Robin Franklin, Martha Holmes, Jill Lewis, Chris Reynolds, Mary Shaffer, Anna Thurmond
1000 hours – Eileen Ballance, Sophia Fowler, Cathy Peyton
2000 hours – Joey Rothgery
3000 hours – Bill Gerhardt, Betrice Hovey, Donna Van Keuren, Paul Ziegler
5000 hours – Barbara Wilson
6000 hours – Tom West
It is unusual for brand new Master Gardeners to receive a Milestone Award their first year, but we did have three members from the Class of 2019 who accomplished just that: Drew Avery, Jonathan Bennett and Kim Stewart. Special congrats to them!
We hope to have your certificates and pins soon! Presentation still to be determined!