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Norfolk Master Gardeners
830 Southampton Ave., Ste 2069
Norfolk, Virginia 23510-1045
MAY 3, 2013
Appendix A
Emeritus is an honorary title bestowed upon one who has retired from a position, as a way of
honoring the individual's service. Emeritus comes from the Latin word emereri, which means to
earn, merit or deserve one's discharge by service.
Bestowing the title "emeritus" upon a retiring individual provides a means by which an
organization honors his or her service by demonstrating respect and gratitude.
It is important to know what the title means. The word “emeritus/a” has to do with being retired
from active service while retaining one’s title as an honor. The retaining of title is offered
because of merit earned during the time of active service. The honor is never an automatic one
but rather is recognition of exceptional service.
Second, the individual, and others in the organization, need to know that the person so honored
has retired and is no longer actively employed. This is a very tender point that must be made
absolutely clear.
When someone has served an organization with distinction over a long period of time, it can be
difficult for both the individual and the other people within an organization to sever functional
ties. When ignored or resisted, painful moments of confusion and resentment can surface and
consequently undercut cherished memories and on-going relationships.
It is for these reasons that this honor should not be considered until the employee has been retired
for a considerable period of time.
Third, it is very helpful to have written guidelines regarding the title emeritus/a. The guidelines
will not outline “roles and functions” because the title is an honorary one rather than a functional
one. Rather, the guidelines will reflect on responsibilities of both the former employee emeritus/
a and other organizational personnel. Clarity is essential before the recognition is conferred in
order to avoid unnecessary awkwardness.
“Norfolk Master Gardener Emeritus” is an honorary title awarded to a retired Norfolk
Master Gardener for distinguished service to Virginia Cooperative Extension’s Norfolk Master
Gardener Program, who can no longer complete the requirements for remaining an active VCE-
MG. The Norfolk Master Gardener Association may recommend the title for any Master
Gardener who is permanently retired and who has served with distinction.
The decision to bestow this title is serious, and should be made by a consensus of the
Norfolk Master Gardener leadership (Extension Agent/Program Coordinator and Norfolk Master
Gardener Association Steering Committee, with approval of Norfolk Master Gardener
Association membership).
The following are suggestive of responsibilities involved in this honorary title:
1. The Master Gardener Emeritus/a and others within the organization are to hold in regard
the health and vitality of Virginia Cooperative Extension and its Extension Master
Gardener program by treating the present Master Gardener Program's leadership with
2. The local Virginia Cooperative Extension unit may invite the retired Master Gardener to
play a specific role in particular celebrations.
3. The Emeritus VCE-MG shall conduct him/herself in a manner appropriate to a Virginia
Cooperative Extension employee.
4. The Emeritus VCE-MG will maintain a posture of support for the current leadership of
Virginia Cooperative Extension and its Master Gardener program. This would include
refraining from public criticism or private conversations with other Master Gardeners that
would reflect negatively on the organization's leadership or direction.
5. The Emeritus VCE-MG will abstain from positions of implied administrative authority
within Virginia Cooperative Extension and its Master Gardener program, as well as serving
in an elected capacity on the Association's Steering Committee or in other leadership roles.
6. In the event of personal conflict, or at the request of the Extension Agent/Program
Coordinator, or at the request of the Norfolk Master Gardener Association Steering
Committee, the Emeritus VCE-MG will excuse him/her self from participation in the
activities of the Master Gardener program.
Eligibility for Emeritus status is limited to retired Norfolk Extension Master Gardeners who have
performed at least 1,000 hours of exceptional work on behalf of Norfolk’s
VCE-MG program, normally with five or more years of service. Recognizing that some VCE-
MGs may make a significant contribution in a shorter period of time prior to retirement, on rare
occasions, waivers regarding time of service may be approved by the Extension Agent/Program
Customarily, the initiative for conferring this honor begins with the organization’s leadership.
However, other letters of nomination (from Norfolk Master Gardeners and other VCE personnel)
may be addressed to the Extension Agent/Program Coordinator, who will present the
nominations at a monthly meeting of Association’s Steering
Committee. Nominations may also be made and presented by the Extension Agent.
The Extension Agent/Program Coordinator and local VCE-MG Association Steering Committee
should draw up a formal resolution outlining the specific highlights of the retired individual's
works; it will also be important to include in the text of the resolution a description of the Master
Gardener's distinctive qualities that other Master Gardeners continue to hold in high regard. The
Extension Agent/Program Coordinator or Association Steering Committee may seek additional
evidence, input and recommendations from Master Gardeners, VCE personnel and other
members as well as citizenry being served.
The resolution is then presented to a meeting of the Master Gardener Association's general
membership for a vote of approval when a quorum is present.
The outcome of this vote will be communicated to the appropriate individuals.
Following a vote of approval, the Extension Agent/Program Coordinator will set a date to confer
emeritus status.
Conferring takes place within the local unit, with approval of the unit Extension Agent/Program
Coordinator, and the State Master Gardener Program Coordinator. There may be other
celebrative activities, but the actual conferring is a ceremonial act.
At some point in the ceremony, it is appropriate for the Extension Agent or an officer of the
Association to call upon the person to hear words to the following effect:
“Recognizing your leadership in the Master Gardener program since the
year____, we bestow upon you the honor of being known to us and to others as
Master Gardener Emeritus (or Emerita) of Virginia Cooperative Extension.”
“We remember with regard . . . (and here specifics are named.).”
“In conferring this honor, we join with you in a continued appreciation for the
Master Gardener Program. And though you will no longer actively serve as a
Norfolk Extension Master Gardener, your . . . (name some qualities) . . . help us
to regard with greatest appreciation the works you have completed in our midst".
“In conferring this honor, we pledge ourselves to continued concern for your
health and happiness.”
It is customary--and particularly meaningful—for those who represent Virginia Cooperative
Extension to be invited to participate in the conferring of this honor. A certificate related to
Master Gardener emeritus/a can be secured from the State Master Gardener Program
Coordinator's office at Virginia Tech. This certificate may be given to the person as a part of the
act of conferring.
The Master Gardener emeritus/a, and other program participants have a role to play in
maintaining the honor conferred.
The Extension Agent/Program Coordinator can initiate active participation of the Master
Gardener emeritus/a at special celebrations in the life of the master gardener program.
The Master Gardener Emeritus/a can refer well-intended invitations for Master Gardener
programming services to the Extension Agent/Program Coordinator.
The local Master Gardener Association and its members can be helpful by staying in touch with
the Master Gardener emeritus/a. They can also remain aware of potential difficulties and
actively avoid inappropriate pressures to involve the former Master Gardener in the regular
duties of the present Master Gardeners.
A Virginia Master Gardener Emeritus is considered an important and integral part of the Master
Gardener community. Emeritus Master Gardeners shall receive appropriate recognition, which
may include:
• Membership in the Norfolk Master Gardener Association
• Continued access to VCE facilities and resources for personal use
• Participation in Norfolk VCE-MG sponsored educational and social events
• Subscriptions to The Germinator
• Service, as an invited advisor, to the Extension Master Gardener program and to
the Norfolk Master Gardener Association
Other rights and privileges may be granted upon approval of the Extension Agent/Program
Granting Norfolk Master Gardener Emeritus Status
Purpose. The purpose of these guidelines is to clarify the eligibility criteria for NMGV Master
Gardener Emeritus status and to define the privileges associated with such status.
“Norfolk Master Gardener Emeritus” is an honorary title awarded by Virginia Cooperative
Extension (VCE) to a retired Master Gardener Volunteer. This honor is awarded for
distinguished service to the Master Gardener Programs for a volunteer who has retired because
he/she can no longer complete the requirements for remaining an active VCE MG. The Steering
Committee may recommend the title for any Master Gardener who is permanently retiring as an
active Master Gardener and who has served with distinction.
The decision to bestow this exclusive title is serious and should be recommended by consensus
of the Norfolk Master Gardener leadership (Steering Committee) and approved by the Norfolk
Extension Agent and VCE.
It is important to differentiate between the Norfolk Master Gardener Association and a Virginia
Cooperative Extension sponsored Master Gardener in Norfolk. The Association of Master
Gardeners in Norfolk, is the coordinating leadership and social organization. For simplicity, the
Association deals with interactions between Master Gardeners, and VCE governs Master
Gardener’s interactions with the public. VCE is the governing body that determines eligibility
and policy for positions and titles such as “Master Gardener” and “Master Gardener Emeritus” in
the state of Virginia. Therefore, the rules for eligibility, privileges and activities allowed as a
Master Gardener Emeritus are completely within the purview of VCE. This guidance uses the
criteria from VCE and expands on it for Norfolk Master Gardeners.
Eligibility. Nominations for emeritus status are limited to previously retired certified Virginia
Master Gardeners who have made a significant contribution to the Norfolk Master Gardener
program, who have at least 1000 hours of exceptional participation, normally with five or more
years of service as a Master Gardener Volunteer. Recognizing that some Master Gardeners may
make a significant contribution in a shorter time period prior to retirement, on rare occasions
waivers regarding time of service may be recommended by the Steering Committee and
approved by the Extension Agent/Master Gardener Coordinator.
Nomination. Each nomination letter for Norfolk Master Gardener Emeritus Status shall be
addressed to the Extension Agent / Master Gardener Coordinator via the MGV Steering
Committee. Nominations may be made by Extension Agents and certified VCE Master
Gardeners. Nomination letters should provide a succinct recommendation which documents
evidence of the nominee’s meritorious service (including leadership positions) and significant
contributions to the Norfolk Master Gardener program.
Upon receipt of a nomination, the Steering Committee may seek additional evidence, input and
recommendations from Master Gardeners, the Extension Agent and Members of citizens of the
Local Area served.
The Steering Committee will meet in Executive Session to review a nomination and make a
recommendation to the Norfolk VCE Extension Agent. Upon a positive final decision on
emeritus status, the Extension Agent/Master Gardener Coordinator shall notify the nominated
Master Gardener and The Association (through the Steering Committee) in writing of the final
Recognition and Privileges. A Virginia Master Gardener Emeritus is considered an important
and integral part of the Master Gardener community. Emeritus Master Gardeners shall receive
appropriate recognition, which may include:
Presentation of a certificate and / or pin indicating emeritus(a) status at an appropriate
event/ceremony, normally held once annually.
Specifically identified as a Norfolk Master Gardener Emeritus including in the Norfolk Master
Gardener Roster
Other recognition and privileges as recommended by the Steering Committee and approved by
the Extension Agent/Master Gardener Coordinator.
Emeritus Master Gardeners shall be accorded the following privileges:
To maintain membership in the Norfolk Master Gardener Association;
To participate in Master Gardener educational and social events;
To receive the Germinator;
To serve as an invited advisor to Master Gardener programs, including Committees as approved
by the Extension Agent / Master Gardener Coordinator;
(Note: Since Emeritus Members are retirees, they may not serve in positions of Leadership, such
as Steering Committee Members, or as Program Leaders). Other rights and privileges as
recommended by the Steering Committee and approved by Extension Agent/Master Gardener
Nomination for NMGV Emeritus Status
From: __________________________________________ NMGV
To: Virginia Cooperative Extension Agent, Norfolk
Via: Norfolk Master Gardener Association Steering Committee
Subject: Nomination for Master Gardener Emeritus
Name of Retired NMGV recommended for Emeritus Status
Date Retired as a NMGV: __________________________________________
Hours earned as NMGV (minimum 1000 required) ______________________
NMGV Class of (year)___________________
Total Years of service as NMGV______________
Highlights of Specific Accomplishments:
Please summarize Leadership positions held in NMGV Association (Example of
Leadership positions: Steering Committee, Program Leader, Committee Chairperson,
Mentor) and approximate dates served in each position:
Significant Contributions to the Master Gardener Programs:
Why you think this individual should be granted Emeritus Status:
Other NMGVs who could provide additional support for this nomination
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