Blog Post

The President's Post

Will Redfern Class of 2018 • March 22, 2022

The Communications Committee

This is the first in a series of quarterly posts from your current President about the Norfolk Master Gardeners.

        Many of you may not know that the Norfolk Master Gardener Association has a committee called the Communications Committee. The mission of the Communications Committee is still evolving, but nevertheless crucial. Basically, it is charged with promoting our work and our mission to the public in a way that complements our operational side, which consists of our many projects. In short, its role is to advertise and publicize what we do, to communicate to the public, and present our best face to all. This committee also takes care of internal communications to our own members, e.g. our terrific Germinator Blog.


        For example, one of the key members is Michael Cole, our website administrator from my own infamous Class of 2018. Talk about our best face forward, Michael makes sure the website is exactly that. Another member is Kim Swecker (Class of 2019), our current vice-president, who manages our monthly “Let’s Grow Together” newsletter. We’ve been sending out this short monthly newsletter for Norfolk residents since August of last year and now have a database of over 1000 active emails. Great outreach. Let’s Grow Together has a This Month in the Garden feature written by Tensaie Fesshaye (Class of 2019); for his articles, Tensaie draws on his wealth of knowledge from his work as a Horticulturalist for Norfolk Botanical Garden. Another member is Barb Wilson (Class of 2007), who in addition to her many Master Gardener roles, also updates our Facebook and Instagram page.


        The Communications Committee is chaired by Jill Lewis (Class of 2017), who somehow manages to keep it all going, for there can be sharp differences of opinion and vigorous but healthy debate over how to approach the various issues presented. Other members of the committee include Kate Melhuish (Class of 2004), Kay Egan (Class of 2011), Joey Rothgery (Class of 2013), Eileen Ballance (Class of 2015), Anna Thurmond (Class of 2017), Kathryn Bush (also an Infamous Class of 2018 alum), and Chris Schweitzer (Class of 2020). There is also an editorial sub-committee to review work before it is published. Overall, the committee’s members represent a great blend of long-time Master Gardeners with lots of knowledge about our organization and newer members with a different take.


        Practically speaking, the committee is very important in a number of ways and can be especially useful to project leaders who need to get the word out to the public about various activities. When we wanted to recruit for both the 2022 Training Class and the 2022 Masterclasses for Norfolk Home Gardeners, the committee was a big help in devising a plan of attack: drafting press releases and flyers, and then pushing the word out through Next Door, city officials, civic league leaders, social media, and other avenues. Another example: when we started the Urban Agriculture Team last year, one of the critical things we needed (and still need) is to publicize this great program and all its possible benefits. The committee helped put together the flyer, helped with drafting some critical emails, put the word out on our website, social media and monthly newsletter, and continues to help organize the advertising campaign.


        The work of the Communications Committee is critical to how we function as an organization. Please join me in recognizing and applauding the good work they do!

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