Trainees Engage in Engage Norfolk 2020
Dusti Johnson-Brinker ’20 & Cathleen Owen ’20 • February 27, 2020
Cathleen Owen, Dusti Johnson-Brinker and Kate Melhuish are ready to 'Engage Norfolk'
The 4th annual Engage Norfolk Civic Fair was held on Sunday, February 9th in a fun and informative setting. Hundreds of city residents gathered at Norview High School to meet representatives of local civic organizations delivering a unified invitation to “Get Involved.” Residents circulated among more than 100 information tables, where they could sign up for volunteer projects, meet local elected officials, and learn of free city resources.
To no surprise, Norfolk Master Gardeners (NMGs) were a part of this wonderful initiative! Barb and Kate secured a prime location and really came prepared! It was impressive how well they represented the Master Gardener program on just one table. Our theme was “Gardening for Pollinators,” and there was plenty to display even at this time of year: flowering hellebores and herbs, a bee house, and would you believe... lots of black swallowtail chrysalides!!! along with an informative card to illustrate the butterfly’s lifecycle and what will emerge later this spring. Wow, was that an attraction!
Dusti Johnson-Brinker and Cathleen Owen
Harriette Frost and Debora Mosher
Kids and adults of all ages stopped by to either view the chrysalides, obtain some literature, or ask some questions. We were able to engage and converse with well over 100 folks. We distributed literature on upcoming garden talks, as well as on plants that attract butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds. Some conversations led to our distribution of soil test kits, but ALL left with the perfect gift: pollinator-friendly seeds, impressed into biodegradable butterfly or flower paper shapes.
Kate Melhuish, Anna Thurmond, Sue Gates, Barb Wilson and Debora Mosher with Congressman Bobby Scott
Kate Melhuish, Cathleen Owen, Dusti Johnson-Brinker and Anna Thurmond with Norfolk Mayor Kenneth Alexander
As trainees, we were both impressed with how fun and informative, yet simple the team of Master Gardeners made this outreach experience, for us and for the public. As first-time visitors ourselves, we were humbled with the support of the perennial NMGs and the passion of the entire crowd. All hosts and visitors gathered on a Sunday afternoon to execute a sole mission: Join together to enrich our community, for what we can’t do alone, we can do together.