Blog Post

Meet Beth Henderson

Eileen Ballance Class of 2015 • September 15, 2022

Beth Henderson was born in New Bedford, MA and as a child her family moved around a lot. Beth attended Brooklyn College and the University of California. Before moving to Norfolk she lived in Los Angeles, CA. She retired in 2020 and decided that due to the pandemic and a desire to be closer to loved ones, Beth moved to Norfolk to be near her youngest child and his family. 

Beth wanted to become a Norfolk Master Gardener to “help save the planet, one person at a time!” She felt that the classes offered were excellent and that the instructors were great.

Beth participated in several projects to attain her fifty hours: the Zoo Garden, the Potager Garden, Fred Heutte Square Foot Garden, Weyanoke Bird and Wildflower Sanctuary, the plant sale and several community outreach programs. 

Being new to the area and issues with the pandemic, she has not been able to investigate the area very much but she does like museums and the Chrysler Museum is a favorite. She thinks Norfolk Botanical Garden is beautiful and the rivers and beaches are amazing.

Her family consists of two sons and three grandchildren, as well as two red eye slider turtles that she has been caring for about 25 years. 

When Beth is not participating in Norfolk Master Gardener activities she likes to cook, bake, sew, bead, dance, exercise and travel as much as possible.

When you see Beth, be sure to give her a shout out and welcome her to the Norfolk Master Gardeners.

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